Thursday, June 24, 2010

sugar @10months++

Recently, sugar is not in good health...coughing and running nose for long...and fever sometimes...visiting doctor almost once a week!! Gambare sugar, 早く元気になってね!
Sugar is daddy's girl recently, when daddy is back, she will give daddy a big smile, if daddy said bye bye to her she will cry!! When daddy put his hand out showing to cuddle her, she will turn to daddy (I was cuddling her that time). But when daddy was cuddling her, she did not want to come to me when I put my hand out, she just turn her head, pretend she cannot see my hand....hahahha this make daddy the happiest daddy in the world!!! ...メローメロー
Sugar has 4 teeth growing now...2up and 2 down.. still not so obvious at the moment:p
Her favourite: playing with tissue paper, pulling tissue paper from the box seems fun to her....she just cannot resist to pull and pull and pull.....arrr....need to hide our tisssue before all gone!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


my revenge...this year!!! Last year I tried to make dumpling, I prepared everything...meat, rice, etc, but no leaf !!!!! end up, putting everything together inside rice cooker and done!!

This year, thanks to YL, for giving me the leaf, which enough to make 10 dumplings. It was 10pm at nite, and both zi&sugar were asleep.....I had my first time ever 'wrapping dumpling'...the first experience was a bit hard to turn it and tide it....but later when I get use to it, it was not that difficult.. 頑張った!each of it came out with the dumpling shape!! yeah yeah!!
About the CUKUP RASA!!! rice not enough taste....but the taste of meat came out ok...Next time, must put more taste to time???? year??

Thursday, May 20, 2010

9 months

Sugar start to crawl on 1st May, and 2 weeks later she can stand up with support......she is happy now, she can go wherever she wants to by herself, she can reach thing on the table or sofa.....And we have to watch out what does she put inside her mouth:p

Thursday, May 6, 2010


It has been a long time,I never update my blog, I have been busy. April 2010, a busy month, I was back to normal working hour, 5 days perweek:p Sugar started to go to the same nursery with Zi.
And finally, sis and mom came over to visit us for 10days;) We went disneyland, Fujisa,asakusa,.hanami for sakura, tulips, nanohana...not to forget shopping and unbelievable..they even got a chance to see snow, it snowed in April!!!
one week after they went back, golden week we were busy going out again...and We went Ueno zoo again!!!!
Lot of photos are awaiting for upload......yet to find time to do so........

Friday, March 26, 2010

ueno zoo

It was ueno zoo anniversary last sunday, so it was open for free. We plan to go together, unfortunately, sugar was having fever, we thought of canceal the trip, but we promised to zi. So we decided: daddy will go with zi and I will stay home with sugar. These are the photos taken by daddy;) They did not manage to see all the animals in the zoo, as zi has fallen asleep, and daddy need to carry him all the way from zoo to train station, and only noticed zi lost one of his 'tomica' shoe when they got in the train. Daddy ostukaresama;) I have never been to any zoo in Japan, I will go one day...maybe this coming golden week (midori day, ueno zoo will be open for free again)....this time we go together, 4 of us;)

Friday, March 19, 2010


Zi is reading Japanese 'hirakana'. He learn hirakana at nursery, and now he likes to read those hirakana which was written on his book, catalog, flyer, and also his school's print out. Sometimes he read them without knowing the meaning, but just to read. Now he sings more Japanese song, and we can tell what is he singing..(the japanese word). He is improving...remember when he was 2++, he still cannot speak a proper sentence, we were worried, he will have problem at school, as we try to speak chinese at home, so that he can learn chinese. We were worried he cannot communicate with other kids, and also teacher. But teacher said he can understand their instruction, just he seldome speak:(
Now, he speaks bahasa campur at home (chinese+japanese+english)....
At school, he speaks only Japanese or also bahasa campur??? interesting to know...but he can tell the different, as he told me 'japanese' is what teacher said at school.

Friday, March 12, 2010


Hinamatsuri is a celebration for girls in Japan. Zi made the dsiplay人形 at school;) Great!!Although we do not celebrate, since zi made it, and this year we have sugar, a girl!! ;) so we took some photos during hinamatsuri;)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

sugar @6months

There are some of changes of sugar since she turn 6months old. She can sit by her own now. She is having 2meal perday. She smiles when she sees herself at the mirror. She seems to know that I am her mom or someone who take of her, when she can't see me, she will start to look for me (cry or shout). At night, she is always a good girl, never wake up for milk.

Sugar was not feeling well last night, she vommited 4 times while she was asleep.....from 1am to 230am......:( still not knowing the reason:( what's wrong sugar???? Gases in your stomach???However, she did not cry at all after she vomitted, when I was cleaning her last night, she even give me a smile although she was so sleepy and tired, kawai....demo kawaisou :(

This morning when she awoke, she seem hungry, and almost finished her milk, unfortunately she vommited right after it:( When she saw her brother was having breakfast, she looked so hungry:( Hope you get well soon;)

Monday, February 15, 2010


sugar was very curious when zi was playing DSi the other day. Good job daddy, for the photos;) or I will missed it, as I was busy cooking in the kitchen.

snow in tsukuba on CNY eve

It snowed on CNY eve @ tsukuba, while we were having CNY gathering at YQ&XN's apartment. It was cold that night, and we were tired when reached home, so was unable to take any photo. Luckily, the next morning, snow had not melted yet, I cannot miss the change anymore, must go out before it's gone. All these photos were taken on first day of CNY @ Tsukuba.

Friday, February 12, 2010

hair cut

Finally I found a day to cut zi's hair:p His last cut was 5months ago:p Family and Friends have been commented he looks like girl with his long hair. But I found it cute:p also it is cold, maybe long hair is better. I asked zi one day if he want to cut his hair short like daddy, and he said yes, after his musical concert. After the concert, I asked him again, and he said ok. So I did it yesterday. After the cut, he went to check at the mirror, and said 'boy'. He is ok with his new hair style. This morning, he check his hair again at the mirror, then asked can go back to before ?? no make him feel better, I said you look 'boy' and 'gakko ii yo'(handsome), then he is happy again....Kids are easy to be satisfied, just praise them. ほめるが大事!


Yesterday lunch was mashed potato with pumpkin, broccolli, mixed with milk. She finished all;) It was a public holiday, daddy and zi were home too during lunch time, daddy took the photo for me while I was feeding sugar:) Nice shot daddy:)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Nowadays, we like to play A or B quiz game at home. Influenced by the TV's quiz program. Zi likes it very much, we take turn to make question and make A or B answer for others to choose. Zi can make his own too, sometimes he only gives A) bla bla bla, B) bla bla bla...then ask us the correct answer is ?????without a question....we have to guess for it. Some of his questions:-
-A) red light can go. B) red light cannot go. (No question)
-what colour can be seen...A)white B)Black...answer is B) Black..(becoz he cun see the white colour when he use it to draw. hahaha, yeah it is true, the answer is Black.

Later we make the quiz more difficult, daddy give the question which the answer are both A&B, tricky:p Also added one more answer'C'.

It is fun and also convinience, for example:to make him go to bath, just make the question as....who will be the first to have bath A Baby, B Zi, C mommy....and He does not like to loose, so he will said B..hahaha...of course the answer is B

Monday, February 8, 2010

other performance

The first photo was zi's girl classmate purikyua dance performance, the second photo was the younger class dance performance. Their clothes were so colorfull and so cute that I can't resist, and snap snap snap.....

music concert 2010

2010.Feb.5 was zi's music concert at his nursery. His class has 3performances: instrument, song (4songs) and dance(shingenjya for boys, purikyua for girls) . Overall he did better than last year concert, especially the shingenjya dance, he can remember all the step......maybe this is because shingnejya is his favarioute at the moment. Actually, shingejya red is the main character in shingenjya show, everybody wanna be shingenjya red, so there were more red shingenjya then others........Zi likes red shingenjya too, but he was happy to be green shingenjya in the dance (he lost in 'changen').... I think their teacher really has done a good job, nobody complain for not being red shingenkya. Zi good job;) よく頑張った!楽しかったよ;)
p/s: Too Many reds....not so otustanding :p

Thursday, February 4, 2010

snow in tsukuba

It snowed twice in tsukuba this week. First time for this winter. It snowed on Monday night and last nite (wednesday). Tsukuba is cold, but seldom snow. Unfortunately I was unable to take any photos, it was at night time, it was dark, it was cold.....and I was lazy......and thought in the morning I can get better shot....However, the next morning, the snow melted before I get out of the house..:(
Last night, zi and daddy went out to play, he make his first snowball:p for the first time. Eventhough it wasn't that much of snow, he enjoyed it. The first thing he told me when he came back was his snowball...This morning, he was happy to show me how to make snowball, with the very little bit of snow left on my car). First experience was always fun and unforgetable. Let's see if we can go skiing next winter;)

Friday, January 29, 2010

パパ 頑張った!!

We went matsumi koen 2 weeks ago, it was a sunny day, took some photos!! daddy and zi run from home to koen, practising for zi's school marathon in march. Sugar and I went by CAR!!!! hahaha. Daddy has to run, play and cuddle two of them.....パパお疲れ様、よく頑張ったね!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Sugar successfully turn over for the first time last friday (22 Jan). Since then she has extra activity, turn over and keep the position for some time. She can keep that position for 15minutes!! Gambare sugar;)

Monday, January 25, 2010


since last tuesday, zi went inside his nursery classroom by himself with all his beg. Today, Monday, we need to bring his afternoon nap's mattress along too. It is a bit too big for him and it is almost his height, normally I carry it. This morning, I was thinking of bringing his mattress and go inside with him, but he said he can carry it!!!! 'It is not heavy' he said. He insisted to carry everything by himself!! when I saw his little body carrying all his begs and the BIG mattress!! 感動しました!わが子が成長しましたね、信じられない。


Sugar has fever on sunday evening.Her first fever:( She did not sleep well last nite, woke up at 3am and cried:( Kawaisou:( Luckily daddy was alert of her cry too, so we were not alone, sugar, daddy wanna join us too;) thank you daddy for waking up and cuddle sugar until she felt asleep again;) good job;) 感謝してます!
This morning her temperatrue went down, thank you thank you;) sugar, よく頑張った!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


A flower (block) from zi, thank you zi, it was very pretty and lasting;)
Yesterday, he went inside his classroom by himself with all his begs after saying goodbye to me at the front gate. He did it this morning too, yokudekimashita, keep it up;) Big brother;)


We went McD last saturday. Sugar is 5months old, and she likes to put anything inside her mouth:p Daddy's drink and burger seem delicious to her that she wanna try too;) Dear sugar, you are still too young for them, please wait;)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Happy 2010

Went to Tsukuba san jinja for hatsumoude (new year praying). Too many people, and need to Q up to pray:p


Had gyouza party on 31 December,2009. Wan came over with her home made gyouza too. So we had 2 different taste;) Totally we ate 90 gyouza for lunch, 4 of us, Wan, sim, zi and me;) Besides, I made charsiew again , this time it turn out good in taste too;) yatta;)