Thursday, June 24, 2010

sugar @10months++

Recently, sugar is not in good health...coughing and running nose for long...and fever sometimes...visiting doctor almost once a week!! Gambare sugar, 早く元気になってね!
Sugar is daddy's girl recently, when daddy is back, she will give daddy a big smile, if daddy said bye bye to her she will cry!! When daddy put his hand out showing to cuddle her, she will turn to daddy (I was cuddling her that time). But when daddy was cuddling her, she did not want to come to me when I put my hand out, she just turn her head, pretend she cannot see my hand....hahahha this make daddy the happiest daddy in the world!!! ...メローメロー
Sugar has 4 teeth growing now...2up and 2 down.. still not so obvious at the moment:p
Her favourite: playing with tissue paper, pulling tissue paper from the box seems fun to her....she just cannot resist to pull and pull and pull.....arrr....need to hide our tisssue before all gone!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


my revenge...this year!!! Last year I tried to make dumpling, I prepared everything...meat, rice, etc, but no leaf !!!!! end up, putting everything together inside rice cooker and done!!

This year, thanks to YL, for giving me the leaf, which enough to make 10 dumplings. It was 10pm at nite, and both zi&sugar were asleep.....I had my first time ever 'wrapping dumpling'...the first experience was a bit hard to turn it and tide it....but later when I get use to it, it was not that difficult.. 頑張った!each of it came out with the dumpling shape!! yeah yeah!!
About the CUKUP RASA!!! rice not enough taste....but the taste of meat came out ok...Next time, must put more taste to time???? year??